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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Mail Call

I got some unfortunate news from my mailman Ray early last week...turns out that after five years, he was being transferred out of the route in our neighborhood. It was a real bummer, and not just because it wasn't his decision. When you work at home as a freelancer, you depend on the USPS a good bit, delivering checks and tax forms and whatnot. When you sell stuff and have it shipped out through the mail, you depend on them even more. I send out packages of varying size, weight, etc. several times a week, and it was always nice to know that there was someone dependable and who, frankly, gave a shit, in charge of getting it where it needed to go. There was also the fact that we'd kinda gotten to be pals a little bit, often chatting about art and whatnot...he has a teenage son who's become interested in drawing recently, and I passed along the name of one of my favorite how-to books, Jack Hamm's Drawing the Head and Figure.

Anyway, last Friday was Ray's last day on the route, and my wife bought a thank you card to pass along. I enclosed the drawing below, which I knew he'd appreciate, on a little piece of Bristol.

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