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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Benefits of Sexercise!

By Patrick Driessen & Angela Heise

Is the thought of going to the gym too much for you?
Here, in the Southern hemisphere winter is firmly upon us. Even in sunny Sydney it is cold enough to rug up next to the heater and indulge in stodgy foods. Swine flu has us stay away from places where people gather (including the gym), and the specter of the financial crisis that seems to threaten our jobs means that we work far too many hours. Consequence: physical exercise has ended up at the bottom of the list.....

If this scenario is familiar, you’ll be delighted to hear that you can get your exercise, improve your stress levels, boost your immune system AND cuddle under a blanket, all in one go: Simply have sex!

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have proven that sex can actually cause you to get fewer colds and that couples who have sex weekly have a 30 percent increase in immunoglobulin A, an antibody that fights infections. In addition, sex reduces stress through the activation of the vagal nerve, which has a calming effect. Having sex also lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease. And if that isn’t beneficial enough, sex can even reduce the “bad” cholesterol, LDL, and increase the “good” cholesterol, HDL!

You'll benefit from sex in every way: At work, elevated levels of feel good endorphins and increased blood flow to the brain improve your memory and effectiveness. At home, the bonding hormone oxytocin enhances your relationship with your partner (please note that sex with someone else won’t help you achieve that...). Add to that improved flexibility and muscular fitness through getting into interesting positions, and softer skin as well as shinier hair due to increased estrogen. You won’t only feel fitter, healthier and younger, you’ll look it too!

So, no matter whether it is winter or summer where you are, when are you supporting your health again?

Four tips to give your libido a big-time boost:
  1. Getting physically active. Studies have shown that men who engaged in regular physical activity lowered their risk of experiencing sexual dysfunction. Remember, when using exercise as a drug, it’s important to vary your routine and include the four types of exercise I describe in this video.
  2. Optimizing your diet based on your body's unique nutritional type. We each have a unique nutritional type with varying demands for the ratios of macronutrients (fats, proteins and carbohydrates) to function optimally. When you’re eating the foods your body was designed to eat, you’ll notice improvements in every aspect of your health.
  3. Optimizing your vitamin D and insulin levels, as these simple measures have profound influences on every area of your health, including your sex life.
  4. Considering choline and vitamin B5 supplements. The neurotransmitter that triggers the sexual message, in both men and women, is acetylcholine (ACH). With too little ACH, sexual activity goes down. One way to safely and effectively enhance ACH levels in your body is to take choline supplements (1,000-3,000 mg) and vitamin B5 (500-1,500 mg).

To stay healthy.....just have more healthy sex!

Make this a Positive & Healthy day....unless you have other plans!

Thanks, warm regards & success,

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