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Monday, June 8, 2009

Exercise Before Sleep Can Keep You Awake!

Exercising during the day can keep you awake at night instead of putting you to sleep, according to new research from the United States.
It was believed a good workout helps to send you off by making you more tired - but it now appears the reverse is true!

A study of fourteen participants who wore armbands monitoring their movements for 23 days found the more active they were the less they napped. Surprisingly, total sleep time increased by an average of 42 minutes a night after days with low activity.
Heart specialist Dr Arn Eliasson, who led the research, said the results were the opposite of expectations! Quality of sleep did not improve after days of increased exertion.
He said: "It has long been recommended, even championed, that getting exercise is part of the recipe for improved sleep. Our data do not support that notion.
"The longest sleep and best sleep efficiency occurred after days with low non-exercise exertion. Similarly, we expected that better-rested subjects would be more inclined to get exercise or have busier days. "However, better rested subjects got less exercise and had less calorie expenditure. After relatively more sleep, more than six hours, all measures of exertion decreased."
Individuals who are ambitious and active during the day may also be more "hyper-vigilant" at night and therefore sleep less. Meanwhile, low key people who are less active may have no difficulties falling or staying asleep. Another explanation may be that job and life stresses lead to busier days, more exertion and more calories burned but may interfere with sleep. Previous studies have suggested exercise can help people who have sleep problems. But there have been conflicting results as to whether morning or afternoon exercise is better.
It was believed exercise improves sleep because it produces a rise in body temperature, which is then followed by a drop a few hours later. It is the drop in temperature which apparently makes you sleepy. So the traditional advice has been to exercise at least three to fours before your bedtime to give your body time to cool down and avoid having a hard time falling asleep. But now scientists may have to think again!
Watching television means a third of people do not get enough sleep - in turn leading to chronic health problems, according to new research.
A US study of 21,475 adults found TV viewing was far and away the most dominant pre-sleep activity - accounting for almost 50 percent of pre-bed time. Psychiatrists were surprised to find watching television appeared to be the most important time cue for the beginning of the sleep period, rather than hours past sunset or other more biological factors.
So, in fact, TV may make people stay up late, while alarm clocks make them get up early - potentially reducing sleep time below what is physiologically needed.

Sleep is so important because it allows the brain to recover from the rigours of the da! Not getting enough sleep has been found to increase the risk of obesity, heart disease and depression!

The latest study by the University of Pennsylvania, examined the activities over 15s undertook two hours before and after bed time. The researchers said sleeping less than seven to eight hours daily impairs alertness but despite this up to four in ten Americans do not achieve the recommended amount. Co researcher Dr David Dinges said: "Given the relationship of short sleep duration to health risks, there is concern that many Americans are chronically under-sleeping due to lifestyle choices."

A further study shows people who "relax" in the evening by playing video games have trouble sleeping. The more time they spend on their favourite pastime the longer they stay awake after finally turning the computer off.
Psychologist Dr Amanda Woolems of the University of Arkansas said her findings back up a previous study that found obsessive gamers spend less time in bed, take longer to get to sleep and have shorter periods of REM sleep when we are most relaxed. She said: "Our statistics revealed those who admitted addiction scored higher on a sleepiness scale."
Studies in children have shown that playing interactive video games can lead to significant increases in heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate.
The latest findings, presented at the Associated Professional Sleep Societies' annual meeting in Illinois, found addicts who play for more than seven hours a week sleep less during the weekdays and experience greater sleepiness than casual or non-gamers.
Doctors believe the bright light of a computer screen may alter the body's biological clock and suppress the natural production of melatonin that's critical to the normal sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin is a hormone in the body that helps regulate a person's sleeping and waking hours.

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