red bulls nba team

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What If?

What if BU were to play a through-back game at the old Walter Brown Arena? Why not. I mean North Carolina played a game at their old basketball arena last season. So why not BU.

I was thinking it should be against BC but then the attendance would be low but the building would be rocking. Every seat would be filled and it would be a very cool experience for everyone involved, players, coaches fans,ext.

Then I also thought that maybe they should play the game near the holiday break. Why? because take last years game against RPI and the game from '09 against St. Lawrence for example. Both games had very low attendance (for Agganis). The St. Lawrence game saw a crowd of 4322 and the RPI game had 4814.Walter Brown holds a little over 3800 fans. So yes there would be less people in attendance but it would seem like there were ten times as many then actually were there. It would be much louder then if they played the same game in Agganis.

Just to add some character to the event why not have both teams wear their old time uniforms. And the band could sport the old red and white strip rugby shirts.

This event is unlikely to happen this because the schedule is already out but maybe, just maybe in the upcoming years we could see the Terriers back in action in the old Walter Brown Arena.

Right now WBA is home to Woman's Terrier hockey team which last season won their first Hockey East title over Uconn in overtime. In the fall they will raise the first banner in Walter Brown since the men's team brought the 1995 National Championship banner to the rafters some 15 years ago.

The men's team also uses Walter Brown as a practice facility when there are other event happing at Agganis.

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