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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Great Blog Finds! #3

This was a fun week for blog reading!

1. This has inspired me with my kitchen, though I am not sure when I will get to it as Emma is under the weather again. 

You have to go look at how amazing this is. And I love her for not obsessing over white cabinets. I love my wood cabinets, too!

2. And featuring the same blogger here...but I couldn't help it! HOW CUTE! I fully intend to do something like this with actual eggs with my children.

3. This blog inspires me for the stunning array of vintage treasures. And I do mean TREASURES. Go through more than one of her posts. You just won't believe the gorgeous, gorgeous things she has. You all know I have a thing for sterling...covet, covet, covet...

2011_02_27_4330 1

4.  More coveting here. I desperately need more storage. What a great piece is featured here! I will be looking for a piece like this. Plus, I love the glass fronts!

5.  And I am soooo excited to see what is happening with the restoration of this old house at Between Naps on the Porch. You have probably visited before, but I am looking forward to watching the process!

Hope you are having a great weekend!


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