I want to start off with saying how impressed I was with our player meetings this past month. Players showed up prepared and willing to discuss their short-term and long-term goals. We will be following up with each player in January to see how their plan to improve is progressing. Thanks to all the players for their cooperation.
Our Gonzaga Invitational roster was released last week and congratulations to those selected to represent PEAC. If you have not returned your permission form for your son please do so by Wednesday November 3rd to Ms. Quinn (dquinn@peac.ca, fax: (416) 398-6801).
On November 18th students will not be on the ice due to maintenance happening at Chesswood Arena. Instead, we will be offering a dry land session as an alternative during PEAC time at the school. Students do not need to bring their equipment on this day just proper training attire and footwear.
Also, a big congratulations goes out to Robert Polesello for making Team Canada East! This is a huge accomplishment and we are very proud of Rob! Best of luck in your competitions.
We are currently in the midst of planning a U16/U18 trip to the University of Michigan on November 18-20. This trip would involve a tour of the university and all athletic facilities, meeting hockey coaches and athletic staff, and attending a University of Michigan versus Lake Superior State University hockey game. The approximate cost of this trip is $350 which includes two nights accommodation, transportation, tour and hockey game. Please note that costs could decrease depending on the number of students attending. If your son would be interested in participating in this trip please let Ms. Quinn (dquinn@peac.ca) know by Thursday November 4th.
A reminder to parents that no player is allowed to wear a half-visor on the ice during PEAC time UNLESS they play at the Junior ‘A’ level, in which case, they and their parents must sign a waiver (available with Ms. Bendavid). All players compete in their club games with a full cage and therefore will practice in a full cage during PEAC time- no exceptions. Players will be kept off the ice if they are not able to follow this rule. Thank you for your cooperation regarding this issue.
Have a great week!
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