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Monday, January 11, 2010

My Shower Brainstorms

"The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself!" - Alan Alda

By Patrick Driessen
Since I was a little boy I like to spend a lot of time under the shower; sitting or lying down to...THINK! Yes, I’m a genuine shower thinker; I tend to get my best ideas and insights under the shower! Every morning I meditate, prepare for the day, strategise and think of new ideas under the shower.

According to various researchers on creativity, I’m not the only one as the shower is the most common place for people to come up with their best ideas. My number two situation/location to get inspiration and new ideas is while driving, and my third preferred location is in bed.

To keep track of my new ideas and strategies I have note pads in my car, next to my bed and carry a small one with me. Writing down all my thoughts really helps me to optimise and utilise my creative moments. To take note of my thoughts while under the shower was always a challenge. For years I wrote down my ideas after I had showered, but often forgot to write down some essential details. Four years ago I started using a waterproof scuba dive writing board under the shower. Not ideal, but at least I could write down the high level ideas while under the shower.

Last year I tried to further improve my shower thinking process and after thorough research found the best solution! I was happy to conclude that someone had focused his creative mind on creating a waterproof note pad: AquaNotes! It is a completely waterproof notepad that allows you to record your great ideas while you're in the shower. Water simply beads up and rolls-off this waterproof paper. It's so durable you can even write underwater! They're recyclable, environmentally friendly, and the notepad is printed with soy-based ink.
I can highly recommend it to document your moments of genius while under the shower or in bath!

Based on global research by creativity experts, the Top Situations & Locations for Inspiration looks as follows:
  1. Shower, bath, bathroom: 57%
  2. Bed: 51%
  3. Driving: 42%
  4. Walking: 28%
  5. Exercise, running, swimming: 25%

All of the above situations and locations offer the opportunity for relaxation allowing you to really stretch your creative thoughts, hence why the office or workplace is missing in this top-5. Maybe we should organise workplace innovation brainstorm sessions at a fitness centre, during a bush walk or at a day-spa!

Have fun optimising your creative brainstorm sessions and documenting them, so you’ll succeed faster and better in utilising your new creative ideas!

"Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual." - Arthur Koestler

Thanks, warm regards & success,


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