That night, the Jacks will face the Des Moines Buccaneers, with the puck dropping at 7:15 p.m., and the doors opening at 6. From the time the doors open until 8 p.m., Goodwill volunteers will be at the arena to collect donations of gently used clothing and other saleable household items. Donors will receive a $4 ticket voucher good toward the November 27 Lumberjacks game, also against Des Moines.
“The Muskegon Lumberjacks are dedicated to giving back to the community," Lumberjacks owner and CEO Josh Mervis said. "We support Goodwill’s mission of helping people in West Michigan find and keep good jobs."
“We depend on the generous donations from the community to support our mission of helping people find jobs,” Goodwill retail director James Cherney said. “We are grateful to the Muskegon Lumberjacks for partnering with us by hosting this event.”
The Oct. 29 game is also the night the crowd at the L.C. Walker Arena will decide the winner of the WZZM, ABC 13-hosted “Goodwill Halloween Costume Challenge.” Fans will text their choice of best costume from the three finalists displayed on the video board.
Wear your Halloween costume and enjoy pre-game trick-or-treating at the concession locations. It will also be “Nerd Night,” complete with nerd trivia and games. Come dressed as one and join the fun.
“It’s going to be a really fun night,” said Lumberjacks arena marketing coordinator Alicia Roberts. “So be sure to bring your Goodwill donations, dress in your Halloween or nerd costume, and get ready to decide the winner of Goodwill’s costume contest.”
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