Ball Don't Lie covered the highlights of the article, so I won't go too in-depth. Suffice it to say, I endorse the new nickname of Mr. Cool Cakes, though I bemoan the fact that my own new nickname for LeBron, Ego the Living Planet, likely won't catch on.
Here's my favorite part of the festivities:
About a dozen security guards, moving their flash lights, direct us to a roped off section on the dance floor of Tao next to a couple of apparently nude women in a bathtub full of water and rose petals. [...]
Carter, LeBron's' childhood friend and manager, begins dancing around James like Puff Daddy in a Notorious B.I.G video. A giant red crown-shaped cake is brought over to James while go-go dancers dressed in skimpy red and black outfits raise four lettered placards that spell out, "KING." Carter grabs a bottle of Grey Goose and pours a quarter of it on the floor and raises it up before passing it off.
When I think of a Vegas party, it definitely features naked bathtub ladies. Okay, that's not the least bit true. His "manager" dancing around him is incredibly silly and the ridiculous self-promotion of the "KING" placards is a little sad. You can see the bottom of the placards in the picture above.
Best quote from the "king" himself comes in reference to a drink server suspended above the club floor:
"I wish they'd have one of these girls with no panties do that instead of the guy."
Wow. That's unfortunate.
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