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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Heroes Con is This Weekend!

What the what? It's time for Heroes Con already? It seems like I've been looking forward to the 2010 edition of one of my very favorite comic conventions since about an hour before the 2009 version came to a close...and now, all of a sudden, it's dead ahead, this Friday in lovely Charlotte, NC!

Anyway, I'll have a few new items on the table this weekend, including a second collection of my auto-biographical "Traffic and Weather" comic strips, and a little set of prints of all the Legion Ladies illos that've been appearing on the blog since the fall. I'll also have a ton of new artwork and have added a bunch of pieces of art to the "Fire Sale" box...little odds and ends and stuff that I sell for a measly eight bucks apiece, of 3 for $20. Hell, even though it seems like it's been out there forever, this'll actually be the first Heroes Con appearance of the Atom-Bomb Bikini hardcover...I  had a dummy copy last time around, but I didn't receive the physical shipment of books until a couple weeks after the show.

Otherwise, I'll be indulging in the best thing about Heroes Con...hanging with all my pals. In addition to all the usual suspects like Jim Mahfood, Cliff Chaing, J Chris Campbell and the Wide Awake Crew, there'll be a few new faces at the show this year, including Jill Thompson and Scott Morse. I'm also hoping that I'll be able to convince at least a few of these nerds to watch Game Four of the Stanley Cup Finals on Friday I write this, Game Three is knotted at 3, but if the Hawks manage to pull off the win, that fabled silver Cup will be in the building and the Blackhawks will have a chance to win it.

So, for god's sake, come to Charlotte this weekend and have the time of your life! And don't forget to stop by and say hello!

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