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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Tried This When I Was in School Too

You have to be kidding me. McCain has suspended all campaigning and asked that Friday's debate be cancelled or postposted. His official reasoning is that the economic crisis is so bad (and apparently to him, so sudden also) is that he feels it is appropriate to "put aside partisanship and campaigning" to avert this potential financial distaster. Only a few problems with this...

1. The ridiculous notion that Old Man McCain is going to go in there like gangbusters (or better yet, Ghostbusters) and roll up his sleeves and get this shit fixed. Obama and McCain were to issue a join statement backing the 700 billion government bailout when suddenly the McCain campaign announced this decision to heroicly save the day. It's putting on a show for people (his base?) who are foolish enough to believe that his suspending his campaign and not participating in the debates would have any effect on the situation.

2. So once people figure out that McCain isn't going to Washington to whip out his personal checkbook and write a check out to CASH in the amount of 700 billion dollars, they are naturally going to wonder why he would suddenly do this. Then they will instantly remember the times when they were in school and realized they had not finished an important paper or had not studied for an important test. And how they panicked and thought of every excuse to get out of it from calling in a bomb threat to the school to telling the school that they felt like the two months that had passed since the death of the family's beloved goldfish had not been proper bereavement time. Of course, none of them had the balls to ask that the test be pushed back. I mean if McCain was doing this the right way, he would have pulled a Redd Foxx and grasped his chest and claimed he was coming to join his fallen 'Nam buddies the day of the debate.

3. Something smells so fishy about this to me that I think it might be something a lot more serious than a last minute attempt to save the embarassment of being steamrolled by Obama if he felt he was ill-prepared to debate. I think more interesting is the timing of this move based on (I can't believe I am about to type the name of this publication in relation to a presidential race) National Enquirer story that hit today about Sarah Palin having an affair with her husband's former business partner. Not too shocking unless you are a Republican and you really wanted to believe that Sarah Palin was the upright Christian girl it was okay to touch yourself to. But more worryingly, she used her power as governor to file an emergency order that his divorce records (in which his family members tesified under oath about the affair) be sealed. Now, do I think that's worth all this hubub? Nope. But it sets an interesting precendent of Palin abusing her position of power to her own personal gain.

Now remember how the State of Alaska is investigating her handling of "Troopergate" and the McCain campaign desperately tried to legally have the release of the report pushed back until after the election? But they lost that battle big time and the release actually was moved up to......October 3rd. Meaning at this point, the McCain campaign could very well have an idea of what is contained in that report. If the report finds that Palin once again abused her powers while Governor.....

The University of Mississippi (the site of Friday's debate) says it is going forward in preparation for the debate. Wow, progress huh?

Someone get McCain some Red Bull and every newspaper from every city in the country, STAT!

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